• Jiangang Comfort


    Jiangang Comfort is the best product which helps in improving the cardiac function, thereby strengthening the heart muscles and improving circulation. It’s very good for both high and low blood pressure. It can also be used for prevention and treatment of heart and circulation related disease. Jiangang comfort capsules lecithin has improved due to heart, lung, disease and neurological factors, chest tightness and shortness of breath caused by the effect.
    Its enhance the physical, restore autonomic function, regulation of cardiovascular and autonomic nerve function. Depress blood-ester specially for people who suffer higher blood-ester.

    Jiangang Comfort

  • Jiangang Noni Capsules


    If you’re interested in herbal medicine, you may have heard of noni, the fruit of a Polynesian plant that’s commonly called the Indian mulberry.
    The fleshy, yellowish fruit has been part of traditional medicine for centuries, recommended by practitioners for many different ailments.

    Jiangang Noni Capsules

  • Ginkgo Biloba capsules


    Ginkgo Biloba capsules has a long history of use in treating blood disorders and memory issues. It is best known today as way to potentially keep your memory sharp.

    Ginkgo Biloba capsules

  • Cordyceps Capsules

    Cordyceps mushroom complex capsules: Cordyceps extract + Goji berries extract + Ginseng root extract Our Cordyceps Militaris mushrooms are cultivated using advanced techniques. Unlike Cordyceps sinensis products, which is either a mycelium product, or outrageously expensive, growing Cordyceps militaris allows us to produce the fruiting bodies, so you get the actual beneficial compounds that you’re looking for.
    Goji berries have been extensively researched for their ability to generate general feelings of well-being, improve neurologic/psychological traits, support better gastrointestinal health and bowel functions, help build stronger musculoskeletal systems, and improve cardiovascular health. They’re also easy to add to meals to boost energy levels and performance. Ginseng Root provides long-term stamina benefits, is rich in amino acids, B-vitamins (particularly B5), and enzymes, and is known for its ability to provide quick energy


    Cordyceps Capsules

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