Biogenic Eye Bright Tea

145.00190.00 (-24%)

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Biogenic Eye Bright Tea is a natural tea that is made from natural ingredients. It has been clinically proven to be effective in reducing eye strain and eye fatigue.  The drink will keep your eyes moist and stroke- free. Eye Bright tea  contains a combination of unique which will refresh your eyes and help you stay alert for hours on end with no side effects.  Additionally, Eyebright tea is made available in a unique flavor and it is the best drink to cure eye problems. It has got cleansing properties that help you to clean your eyes and make them brighter.

Health Benefits of Eye Bright Tea 

  1. Clears glaucoma as well as cataracts 100%!

  2. it helps put an end to blurry eyes!

  3. Cures Itching eyes!

  4. Helps you see perfectly without the use of glasses or vision aids

  5. Helping to improve eyesight thus supporting healthy eyes.
  6. Easing excessive eye tension and promoting eye health.


Dosage/How To Use Eye Bright Tea 

  • Drop  1-2 teabags in a cup.
  • Pour in fresh boiling water and let the tea stand for 3-5 minutes.
  • Drink 1-2 teabags once at a go.
  • Ensure you take it twice daily, after meals in the morning or before sleep in the evening.

Precaution/Side Effect

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Store in a cool place at room temperature.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • No side effects.

Key Ingredients:

Chrysanthemum, Chinese Wolfberry, Cassia Seed, Se-enriched Tea, Lavender


  • 2.5g/teabag,
  • 20 teabags/box.


  • It is recommended that you take this tea consistently for at least 2-3 months period for to obtain desired results.

Suitable for

  •  Persons who are experiencing blurry vision, glaucoma, Cataracts, or persons who must squint to see, or experiencing a cloudy vision, or your eyes feel excessive tension, or it irritates you most times



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Biogenic Eye Bright Tea

145.00190.00 (-24%)

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